Often technical well educated people cannot find the simple solution anymore. They are thinking too complex or unpractical. Because i still use my simple brains i come to solutions for a variaty of problems others overlook. This is also due to my wide and other approach to problems. I have solved several problems firms could not solve themselves by inventing several cheap and practical tools or processes. Some of these simple effective solutions can be found on the page practicle examples / my practical insights……………
During my thesis (graduation) i improved the rubber press. I have found a simple and effective deformation process based on streched bending with the use of rubber. With this simple and efective method i was able to reduce deformation forces by a factor 5o. The head professor of the department were i did my thesis told me that he did not understand whynobody before me invented this deformation method. The method was so simple, effective and striaght forward to invent. You can read more on the pages workexperiance / improving the rubber press………..
A firm producing and placing coated steel profiles on roofs had problems with neighbours. The placed profiles were the cause of annoying reflections entering living rooms of some people. This firm sanded all profiles and placed a new anti reflecting coating on te steel roof panels. I was thinking of another much cheaper solution. more you can read here.
I also invented a way to solve the problems with a blue green algea. These algea form a problem when watertemperature rises during summer times in the waterways in the Netherlnds. Somtimes duringspringtime they allready cuase problems. A solution can be to try to get a water circulation. More can be read here.
Waarom doven we grote branden niet met een niet brandbare, fijn gevlochten kevlar deken die met helikopters over een brandhaard gevlogen kan worden. Hierdoor kan er geen zuurstof meer bij de brand komen.
Is er een manier om de hinderlijke kleef op te heffen als oude heipalen of damwanden uit de grond getrokken moeten worden? Bij het in de grond drukken van zijwanden van prefab garages zorgt kleef er voor dat er soms indruk voorzieningen nodig zijn om deze wanden diep genoeg de grond in te krijgen.
Andere simpele oplossingen vind u door op de “pagina praktijk voorbeelden” het tabblad de andere oplossing mijn praktische insteek / container overlag versnellen en extra warmte uit het afvoerkanaal van een kachel halen te bekijken. Bekijkt u ook het fail safe concept om olierampen in de toekomst te voorkomen. Dit concept vind u hier.
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